Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Bloggy!

(photo by Susan Rockstraw)

What a Day is three years old!
Blogging has brought so many cool people into my life, as well as opportunities that can only come through blogging. I may not have a ton of readers in the grand scheme of things, but I am so grateful for those of you that root me on and leave nice comments! Blogging has gotten more and more fun with each year that passes. It's fun to look back on my old posts and see how I've changed. 

(photos by Susan Rockstraw

It will be fun to see how my blog progresses in years to come! I hope you all stick around :) 


  1. THAT PICTURE IS SOOOOO COOL. You will have to teach me.
    Also congrats on the birthday! Well, blog birthday ya know.
    Yours is one of my faves!


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