Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bloglovin' y'all

Hasty post reminding you to follow my blog through bloglovin'! Do it HERE. 

I will be going from over 100 followers to under 60 since Google Reader decided to bite the dust.

I'm not bitter about it, or anything.

Thanks, love you! <3


  1. I made the switch! I'm sure others will too. I actually like it a lot more than google reader because I get small previews and then when I open it up it shows your actual webpage with all your other links and cool formatting!

  2. I followed :) Come follow back? Thanks

  3. I found your site through Jessi of Haircuts and General (her Gatsby inspired photoshoot). This is a beautiful dress that you had thrifted.


I love reading your comments. Chat with me! I reply here, so check back if you asked a question :)