Sunday, November 25, 2012


The day after Thanksgiving we went to the mountains, to the sight of my in-laws' future home. It was a pretty chill visit. We planned on hiking, but after exploring and eating and choppin' up some wood, we all agreed that it was just too cold to stay. Ha, we are definitely New Mexicans. My toes were so cold, they hurt.

So yes, the break is over! I'm sure that most students can agree that Thanksgiving break is not relaxing. The entire week I was either doing homework or silently freaking out about not doing my homework. I would think, "Hey! I just need to relax, man. I'm on break!" But then immediately after I'd think, "Oh my gosh, I have soooooo much to do before Monday..." It's a constant battle, and it always ends up in procrastination. Why, at this moment I'm procrastinating. I thought I'd take a small blogging break from writing my paper, but it has been a little over an hour now.... 

I'm glad there are only three more weeks of this, and then the mother of all vacations will commence: WINTER BREAK. When I can actually relax. 

I hope everyone had a fun Thanksgiving. 
And I wish you students out there good luck on final exams and projects. 

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