Today is the last Tuesday that I will be 22 years old.
So I've complied a birthday wish list:
1. 50 mm lens for my Canon
2. Wireless remote for my Canon. This will come in handy for easier outfit posts. And future family photos!!
3. High-waisted skinnies from Forever 21
4. Another item from F21
5. Any one of these bed sets form Target
6. Record player. It's time.
This list also doubles as a Christmas wish list :)
We are the same age!! Well, about 6 months apart I guess...I'll be 23 in May. This wishlist is awesome, I didn't even know they had remotes for your camera, SO cool! Oh, P.S. I'm looking into getting a dslr for Christmas (and actually learning how to use it), since you're such a talented photographer I thought I'd ask what camera(s) you might reccommend?