Saturday, August 13, 2016

Happies -15-

Although I've got an annoying cold this week, I'd like to focus on the good that's been happening. First off- Thank you! I feel bad for not giving a big internet thank you to everyone that has congratulated us on my pregnancy and the gender reveal. So again, thanks so much!! And thanks to everyone who viewed my gender reveal video. It has gotten over 200 views on YouTube! This may seem like such a small number for some bloggers/video makers, but it's progress for me, and it's nice to know that some people enjoyed this thing I've made.

-Gwen has been saying sentences like, "I like trees." "I like cars." "I like food." "I love cupcakes." It's so cool that she's forming sentences now.

-Feeling the baby move. I feel like maybe I said this in the last happy list? I can't remember, but it's still making me happy!

-My sister-in-law had her baby last weekend! We FaceTimed a few days ago and she told me the birth story. I love hearing other moms' positive birth stories! It's fun to relate in that way. And it's so cool to see her as a mother. I am over the moon happy for them.

-Planning our trip to Minneapolis to see the new baby!

-We hosted our friend from New Mexico for a night while she drove to California and it was so fun to catch up! She'll be working at Disneyland and said she can get us in both parks for free! We'll be there next month and you can bet that we've changed some plans to go to Disney.

-Buying a new umbrella stroller. That is such a "mom" thing to be excited about.... But I'm so excited to use it on our upcoming trips! And it's tall enough for Ryan to use, compared to our old one.

-Reading The Help. It's for book club and I'm proud to say that I'm in the middle of the book. I am usually so bad at reading the whole book before our monthly meetings, but I'll definitely finish this one!


  1. You have so many great things going on! I love seeing posts like this filled with positivity. I'm reading the help too! Only about 3 chapters in but I'm LOVING it! It's geting me back into the reading groove :)

    I just started following your blog on bloglovin. I would love a follow back<3

    xo Nicole


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