Monday, June 20, 2016

Another baby!

I always told myself that I would avoid having a baby around Christmas time if I could... hahaha! But we may have a Christmas baby on our hands. I have a lot of feelings about that, but I think I'm going to save all that for a video. For now I'll just share how excited and happy I am to finally announce this pregnancy! I've been feeling absolutely terrible with morning/all day sickness. Maybe now that everyone knows, my body will realize it's time to get into second trimester mode, the most wonderful time of pregnancy.

Yay for another baby!

Photos by Photography Hill


  1. AAAAAH! Congrats!!!!! This is so exciting and these pics are adorable <3

  2. So happy for you!!! I'm a December baby myself. I like having my gifts wrapped in regular paper. And maybe give the option of a half birthday party😉

  3. Congratulations again! Can't wait to follow your next big journey!

  4. Congratulations!! A Christmas baby would be hard, but also the ultimate Christmas present to yourself! haha

  5. Congrats again!! I'm so happy for you!!

  6. Congrats!! That's so exciting :)


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